ABlog API¶
ablog Package¶
Setup ABlog extension. |
ablog.blog Module¶
Handle blog operations. |
Handle post metadata. |
Posts sharing a label, i.e. tag, category, author, or location. |
Handles collections of posts. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
ablog.commands Module¶
Ablog Main. |
ablog.post Module¶
Remove post and reference to it from the standard domain when its document is removed or changed. |
Process posts and map posted document names to post details in the environment. |
Replace PostList nodes with lists of posts. |
Generate archive pages for all posts, categories, tags, authors, and drafts. |
Generate archive pages for all posts, categories, tags, authors, and drafts. |
Register posts found in the Sphinx build environment. |
Represent |
Represent |
Represent |
Handle |
Handle |
Check the doctree for frontmatter meant for a blog post. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
ablog.start Module¶
Borrowed from Sphinx 1.3b3. |
Borrowed from Sphinx 1.3b3. |
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