Draft Example

As the title suggests, this is a draft example and shall remain so until the end of time or internet.

How do you draft a post?

Just indicate that the page is a post using post directive, but do not provide give a published date:

.. post::
   :tags: draft
   :category: Manual

You can still label a post you are drafting with tags and categories, but the post will not be listed in corresponding archive pages until it is published.

How can you see a list of drafts?

See Drafts archive page, which can be referred to as :ref:`blog-drafts`.

Why would you make a post draft?

Let's say you are using Disqus on your website, and allowing non-post pages to be discussed as well, but you don't want a draft to be discussed before it is published. By adding post directive without published date and keeping configuration variable disqus_drafts as False, you can achieve that.