ABlog v0.9 released =================== .. post:: Feb 17, 2018 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World ABlog v0.9.0 is released with the main focus being to support the latest version of Sphinx. This also moves the main development from `Abakan`_ to `SunPy`_. This has merged in all current (at time of writing, 6) open PRs to the original repository. These are: `fix(commands): Update command arguments so patterns works correctly `__ from `rayalan `__. `Fix couple of bugs with latest stable Sphinx `__ from `tadeboro `__. `don't use fancy quotes in the conf.py template `__ from `tiwo `__. `Pass through additional Sphinx options and fix a typo `__ from `ahrbel `__. `fix #78 (ImportError: cannot import name make_admonition in Sphinx 1.6) `_ from `lsaffre `__. `Raise exception when title is missing `__ from `rgrinberg `__. .. _Abakan: https://github.com/abakan/ablog .. _SunPy: https://github.com/sunpy/ablog ABlog v0.9.1 released --------------------- .. post:: March 2, 2018 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World Minor update to remove Ablog{}.format(python_number) exes ABlog v0.9.2 released --------------------- .. post:: March 4, 2018 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World Fixed Windows String issue. ABlog v0.9.3 released --------------------- .. post:: October 30, 2018 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World Added example on how to use writing blog posts in Jupyter notebooks. `show when if fa `__, `Add create file encoding `__ and `fix serve command path `__ from `anzawatta `__. Sorry I was late to release these! ABlog v0.9.4 released --------------------- .. post:: Feb 10, 2019 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World Fixes for gettext break and some pathing issues. ABlog v0.9.5 released --------------------- .. post:: Aug 19, 2019 :author: Nabil Freij :category: Release :location: World v0.9.5 is the that supports Python 2 and Sphinx <2. v0.10.0 on main now, will not. `Define an auto-orphan option `__, `Repair update directive `__ and `Fix sidebar and blog_baseurl misconfig during quick start `__ from `rayalan `__.