ABlog v0.4 released =================== .. post:: Dec 20, 2014 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.4 is released. This version comes with the following improvements and bug fixes: * Added :confval:`blog_feed_titles`, :confval:`blog_feed_length`, and :confval:`blog_archive_titles` configuration options (see :issue:`24`). * Set the default for :confval:`blog_feed_archives` to ``False``, which was set to ``True`` although documented to be otherwise. * Fixed issues with :confval:`post_auto_excerpt` and :confval:`post_auto_image` configuration options. * Fixed :issue:`2`, relative size of tags being the minimum size when all tags have the same number of posts. Now, mean size is used, and max/min size can be controlled from template. * Fixed :issue:`19`. Yearly archives are ordered by recency. * Fixed duplicated post title in feeds, :issue:`21`. * Fixed :issue:`22`, :rst:dir:`postlist` directive listing more than specified number of posts. * :rst:dir:`postlist` directive accepts arguments to format list items (:issue:`20`).