ABlog Internationalization¶
ABlog automatically generates certain labels like Posts and Categories. If these labels appear in English on your blog although you specified another language, then this page is for you.
ABlog needs your help for translation of these labels. Translation process involves the following steps:
Update translatable messages:
Execute extract_messages each time a translatable message text is changed or added:
$ python setup.py extract_messages -o ablog/locales/sphinx.pot ...
This will create or update
file, the central messages catalog used by the different translations.
Create new translation catalog:
Execute init_catalog once for each new language, e.g.:
$ python setup.py init_catalog -l de -i ablog/locales/sphinx.pot -o ablog/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
This will create a file
in which translations needs to be placed.Update translation catalog:
Execute update_catalog for each existing language, e.g.:
$ python setup.py update_catalog -l de -i ablog/locales/sphinx.pot -o ablog/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po
This will update file
where translations of new text needs to be placed.
Compile catalogs:
Execute compile_catalog for each existing language, e.g:
$ python setup.py compile_catalog --directory ablog/locales/ --domain sphinx --locale de
If you remove
--locale de
then all catalogs will be compiled.
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