ABlog v0.6 released =================== .. post:: Apr 8, 2015 :author: Ahmet :category: Release :location: SF ABlog v0.6 is released with new :ref:`ablog-commands`. You can use ``ablog deploy`` to :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages`, and also ``ablog clean`` to do spring cleaning every once in a while. ABlog v0.6.1 released --------------------- ABlog v0.6.1 is released with improvements to ``ablog deploy`` command. It will add ``.nojekyll`` file when needed to deployments to GitHub pages. ABlog v0.6.2 released --------------------- ABlog v0.6.2 is released to fix an issue with loading of Disqus comments (:issue:`33`) and interpreting non-ascii characters (:issue:`34`). ABlog v0.6.3 released --------------------- ABlog v0.6.3 comes with Russian localisation and following enhancements: * Added ``:list-style:`` option to :rst:dir:`postlist` to enable controlling bullet list style. * ``ablog post`` command de-slugifies filename to make the title when it's not given. ABlog v0.6.4 released --------------------- ABlog v0.6.4 comes with improved ``ablog serve`` command that helps you :ref:`watch-yourself-blogging`. ABlog v0.6.5 released --------------------- ABlog v0.6.5 is a bug fix release to resolve :issue:`38`, an exception raised when using :rst:dir:`postlist` without specifying number of posts.